So without further ado, we bring you the
Eden, is filming a scene where a guy, who's supposed to be your brother-in-law, is all up in your junk delivering your baby in the wreckage of a tornado, as awkward as shooting a steamy sex scene with a guy you hardly know or barely like? Wait, have you ever filmed a steamy sex scene with a guy, – ever? Do you think the one steamy sex scene you got with Reese actually counts as steamy considering she was wearing a turtle neck?
The “Steamiest” scene I’ve ever had was with Olga Sosnovska (ex-Lena, who

I definitely

And, yes, you nailed the baby-delivery scene in the wreckage with Bro-in-law Zack as the most awkward and uncomfortable scene I have ever had the displeasure to be involved in. Nothing steamy about your good pal Thorsten getting all up inside your “junk” when you’re sweaty and dirty, and no one has washed your pregnancy-pad/body-suit in days. TMI? It was just nasty. Believe me, between that and getting busy with the lovely Tamara Braun there is no comparison.
Now that you've given birth to two fictional children, what would you say is the toughest part about fictional motherhood?
The stretch marks.
Canadians do it better. Yay or nay?
Yay, yay, yay! Even if they didn’t do it better, they sure do it nicer.
If B

If only Reese were a Jew! It would have saved us so much heartache. But she drank WAY too much to not be a goy. It was the root of a lot of Breese’s problems, I think. That and not knowing a lick about each other before having a baby together. Tamara would totally have made out with a bagel and a schmeer over Zach. The girl loves her carbs.
We understand that the Emmy Award, which each of you are now the proud recipients of, stands 15.5 inches (39 cm) tall with a base diameter of 7.5 inches (19 c

The year I won the kid who won for Younger actor impaled himself with the statuette on stage and it looked VERY painful. Watch the YouTube of it. I think it will make your imagination run wild!
(( Link to YouTube video ))
In your final appearance on AMC when you reconcile, was this simply a heartfelt reunion hug between Bianca and Reese, or was it in fact Tamara crying tears of joy and relief because Eden promised she'd finally take her away from the bad man?
Totally heartfelt reunion. We’re really that good.
Do you ever brag to your other actor friends about how your combined hotness has caused massive numbers of heterosexual women to turn in their "straight cards"?
I will now!
Follow up -- Has AfterEllen.com ever contacted you in regards to naming an award in your honor?
Nope. That would be freaking awesome, though. The Riegees? Or the Binkys?
As profoundly frakked up as the Bianca and Reese storyline became, did you remain thankful that the physical relationship between the characters was never limited to baking cookies and holding hands in church?
Yes. I think th

and our final question:
We know that you both have legions of devoted, loving, faithful fans - have any of them ever done anything that compares to the utter absurdity of PRATT FALLS?
Not even close! I’m telling you I was close to tears when I saw Episode 1. I have never felt so supported in my life. I turned to Andrew and said, “Who are these crazy geniuses?!”
Eden always gives great interviews, but I think this has to be the best interview I've ever read! How sweet of Eden for answering your questions. Ellen & Portia Rock! It's cool knowing that I chatted with you on the board before you both became famous!
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome interview! Great questions and LMAO at the answers(though still wondering about Eden's favorite Disney princess). Just when we think we couldn't possibly love Emmy Award Winner Eden Riegel more...well, humor, talent, brains, a heart of gold(not to mention that 15.5" statuette), and did we mention the smoking hotness...what's not to love?SQUEEEEEEEEDEN!
ReplyDeleteThanks Eden, Ellen & Portia!!!
It was very thoughtful and lovely, that one of our favourite Emmy Award Actress agreed to do this brilliant interview, for our favourite animated, hot, sexy and smart ladies, Ellen and Portia!! Damn, who can resist them, gotta love them!!! Loved the clever questions and the funny answers! THANKS LADIES, YOU ROCK!!!!! The BLOG IS THE BEST !!!
ReplyDeleteContinuing to enjoy each and every blog....and now that Eden says she won't be back on AMC it is helping keep Breese alive.....PRATT IS AN ASS
ReplyDeleteGreat interview and great questions! You two are are HILARIOUS!