Remember the episode when Bianca is writing a letter to Santa Claus and Reese says she wants Santa to bring her the "way cool Barcelona Chair"? Of course we're obsessive enough to have Googled that immediately (and we know you probably did too), but in case you didn't, here it is:

You can order one from a company called Knoll.
They only cost $4328. Poor Reese didn't get her chair, she got an engagement ring instead. Which we always thought was a little unfair, because we're sure Bianca got a great and absurdly expensive Christmas present even though Reese had just given her a big, fat, gorgeous diamond ring from Milan.
So, we're thinking that this Christmas Bianca should finally get Reese the chair she deserves -- not the Barcelona Chair -- but a chair that more accurately reflects Reese's best qualities. We suggest this chair:

Clearly Vladimir TSESLER used Tamara Braun as inspiration for this design! Wonder if it comes in a nice metallic blue?

You can order one from a company called Knoll.
They only cost $4328. Poor Reese didn't get her chair, she got an engagement ring instead. Which we always thought was a little unfair, because we're sure Bianca got a great and absurdly expensive Christmas present even though Reese had just given her a big, fat, gorgeous diamond ring from Milan.
So, we're thinking that this Christmas Bianca should finally get Reese the chair she deserves -- not the Barcelona Chair -- but a chair that more accurately reflects Reese's best qualities. We suggest this chair:

Clearly Vladimir TSESLER used Tamara Braun as inspiration for this design! Wonder if it comes in a nice metallic blue?
Absolutely PERFECT